1 - An undeniably memorable chorus melody
2 - An undeniably addictive repetitive riff
3 - An undeniably memorable chorus text-hook
4 - A universally appealing subject, individually expressed
5 - An occasional sonic logo that leaves you wanting to hear it again.
6 - An overall arrangement/production that leaves you wanting it again
7 - An overall style that puts it firmly in the style-of-the-moment
8 - A rhythmical groove that is undeniably infectious
9 - A repetitive/hypnotic chant-like vocal phrase
10 - A complexity to the arrangement / production that needs many plays to digest
11 - A story to the text that keeps you glued through to a satisfying conclusion
12 - A unique extraordinary vocal / collective performance
13 - A singer’s charismatic vocal character / timbre
14 - Inexplicable mystique / magic to the overall arr / prod
15 - Uplifting quality that just makes you flat-out happy
16 - Sympathetic emotion that harmonises with your state of mind
17 - Pace and excitement that infuses the listener with energy
18 - The totality relaxes and soothes the troubled mind
19 - Surprising / unexpected twists and turns that tease or please
20 - Reassuring familiarity that comforts